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Mike’ın öyküsü

Follow the story of Michael, who emphasises the role of his family support and how giving up on the old passions made a space for the new things.

Juan’ın öyküsü

Listen to uplifting testimony of Juan - Monica's husband - who shares with her the ups and downs of living with scleroderma.

Joep'in öyküsü

Meet Joep - a designer of a blister-opener, enthusiast of the innovative 3D printers and focused on solutions scleroderma patient.

Jessica’nın öyküsü

Learn how Jessica remains fully independent and following her dreams after being diagnosed with systemic sclerosis at age 14.

Danièle’nin öyküsü

Check how Danièle is focusing on presence, trying to be positive and enjoying the small pleasures like meals with her friends and family.

Diyet ve egzersiz

Are you a caregiver? Then you probably have the same concerns when it comes to your physical health and how to take care of it.

Kendinize odaklanmak

When you’re the caregiver for someone with a chronic disease such as scleroderma, you must learn to focus on you. Read some tips of how to do it.

bireysel hedefler belirlemek

By setting new goals after systemic sclerosis diagnosis, you can help yourself gain a feeling of control and get moving toward what matters most to you.