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Pulmoner rehabilitasyon

Pulmonary rehabilitation is a programme for people with ongoing lung diseases and breathing problems.

Susan’ın öyküsü

Read about Susan's story following scleroderma and the symptoms it can cause. Focus on her legacy, optimism and the way she enjoyed teaching and her life.

Akciğere etkilerle yaşamak

Living with lung problems can have an impact on your life, but there are ways to manage your symptoms and reduce their impact on your daily activities.

Sağ kalp kateterizasyonu

Right heart catheterisation





solunum hacim testleri

Lung volume tests

Solunum fonksiyon testleri

Lung function tests

pulmoner arteriyel hipertansiyon (PAH)

PAH is a complication that can be caused by scleroderma. Here you will find out what it is, how it happens and can be managed.

Akciğer testleri

Scared of the tests? Don't be. Working with your doctor to monitor your lungs function is an important part of your overall scleroderma treatment plan.