4 min read


Gentle exercise can help you stay healthy for longer1

People exercising

Drug treatment alone will not be enough to manage all of the physical and psychological challenges that come with pulmonary fibrosis. Exercise is a key part of maintaining physical and mental wellbeing and can help you to manage your pulmonary fibrosis and be more active. Exercise can also improve your overall quality of life.1 There are lots of ways to stay active such as walking, strength exercises and taking part in hobbies.


Even simple exercises can make a difference

If you are not used to living an active lifestyle, the idea of regular exercise can sometimes seem daunting. However, even simple exercises can make a big difference to your wellbeing.

At times, it may be difficult to start, but every little bit of effort helps. Try simple, light exercises and aim towards doing between 15 - 30 minutes a day, such as:

  • Taking walks

  • Gardening

  • Light stretching


You should create an exercise routine which works for your needs. Regular exercise will help you to feel stronger, helping you to perform everyday activities.1

Some of the benefits you could gain from exercise are:1

  • Improved strength, endurance, agility and coordination

  • Increased physical fitness

  • Reduced shortness of breath

  • Greater mobility and quality of life

  • Improved mental wellbeing

key fact quick tip


The benefits of exercise will only last if you keep exercising regularly (e.g. 2-3 times per week). Always try to continue exercising when you can to maintain the benefits you have gained

Simple tips to add exercise to your daily life1,2

The benefits of exercise will help both your mental and physical wellbeing. However, it can be hard to know where to start.

Below are some quick tips to help you begin exercising:

  1. Speak to your treatment team before you start any demanding exercise regimes. Your treatment team will be able to discuss the most suitable exercise for you

  2. Include exercise in your daily life. Trust your body and try to move more during your everyday activities, like walking, cleaning or gardening

  3. Don’t try to do too much. Choose a small goal first, such as something that needs a little more effort, like climbing a flight of stairs or going shopping on foot

  4. Divide your exercise goal into short stages. If you complete one of them, that’s already a small victory, which could motivate you to try the next one

  5. Keep a diary of your exercise and activities so that you have a personal record to discuss with your treatment team

  6. If you don’t know where to start, speak to your treatment team. They will be able to recommend exercise options you can do by yourself or in a group

Many people with pulmonary fibrosis will be offered a pulmonary rehabilitation program. This includes educational training about pulmonary fibrosis, as well as supporting exercises that may be performed in a group.


Key takeaways

Bullet Point

Exercise can benefit both your physical and mental wellbeing

Bullet Point

Exercising may seem daunting, but you can start off slow with gentle exercises such as light stretching or short walks

Bullet Point

Working with your treatment team and setting realistic goals can be good ways to start doing more exercise

  1. Vainshelboim B. Exercise training in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: is it of benefit? Breath (Sheff). 2016;12:130–138.

  2. NHS Choices. Get active for mental wellbeing. Available at: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/mental-benefits-of-exercise/. [Accessed March 2022].

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