3 min read

Making the most of your appointment

Planning what to say and what to ask at each appointment, can help you make the most of your time with your doctor

Doctor using iPad in front of patients

Your medical team can give you lots of support, valuable information and advice. This section will help you plan what to say and what to ask at each appointment, so that you can make the most of your time.

During appointments, it can sometimes be difficult to remember everything that your doctors and nurses have said, and everything that you want to discuss.

Here you can find a list of questions and a planner that you can take to your appointments to help you. If you can't print them, you could write down a list of your biggest questions.

It's important to tell your doctor or nurse all the symptoms you have because even things you don't think are very important, might be big clues for your doctor about how pulmonary fibrosis is affecting you.

Some symptoms may seem embarrassing but remember that you won't be the only person who has experienced them, and your medical team will not tell anyone else. The sooner you share these symptoms with your doctor or nurse, the sooner you can get advice on their control or management.

Tell your doctor

  • Changes in how active you are able to be

  • Changes in symptoms

  • The effects of any medication you have been taking

  • Changes in your lifestyle

To help you keep track, record any changes on your mobile phone or diary.

You may find it helpful to take a list of your questions to each appointment, so that you don’t forget to ask everything you want to. Leave space to write the doctor’s answers too, if you can. There may be so much information to take in during an appointment that it is easy to forget details. Don't be afraid to ask for extra time to write or ask your doctor to repeat themselves.

Your questions can be about anything, but download our resource to see some examples that other people with pulmonary fibrosis have asked.

It can be reassuring to know what's going to happen next in your medical care, and when. The downloadable in our resources can be filled in with your doctor or nurse. It can be used to collect details of the tests and appointments you will have over the next few months, to help you plan ahead.

Key takeaways

Bullet Point

Track any changes in symptoms you notice during your day-to-day life

Bullet Point

It's important to keep your doctor in the know as they can give you valuable information and advice

Bullet Point

Remember to take your list of questions with you to help guide you during your appointments

Resources for you

Download questions to ask your doctor or nurse

You can also download this appointment planner to help keep track

Help prepare for your doctor's appointment

Help keep record of current and previous medications

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Questions to ask your doctor

Going to your appointments with some questions prepared can help you get the most out of them
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