4 min read

Wellbeing resources

Helpful materials and methods to live life to the fullest with pulmonary fibrosis

Older male at home

It is important that you have access to as much useful information as possible to guide you through the challenges of pulmonary fibrosis. Below is a list of resources that can help you manage your health and wellbeing.

Watch our Patient Talk Series

Living with pulmonary fibrosis, including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), one of over 200 interstitial lung diseases, can be challenging, but you’re not alone. We joined with Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis to produce a webinar that features people discussing their experience of IPF, along with their loved ones and healthcare professionals.

Meet the patients

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Watch discussions between a panel of patients with IPF, their loved ones, a Specialist Respiratory Nurse and a lung specialist. View the entire Patient Talk Series using the button below.


Resources for you



There is a lot of useful guidance within these resources to help you manage your condition and live life to its fullest. Ask a family member, friend or member of your healthcare team to sit with you and go through them if you feel overwhelmed

Complementary care

There is evidence showing that some patients can benefit from certain therapies when used to support the care offered by their treatment team.1–4

If you're looking for other ways to support your care, you may want to consider a combination of complementary therapies such as yoga, mindfulness-based stress reduction and music therapy.1–4 Discuss these therapies with your treatment team, who can provide you with options suited to your individual situation and condition. 

key fact important


It is important that you do not start any new therapies before first discussing them with your treatment team. They are primarily responsible for your care and will be able to guide you in deciding if the new therapies are suitable for you

  1. Canga B., et al. AIR: Advances in Respiration - Music therapy in the treatment of chronic pulmonary disease. Respir Med. 2015;109:1532-9.

  2. Ranjita R, et al. Yoga-based pulmonary rehabilitation for the management of dyspnea in coal miners with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A randomized controlled trial. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2016;7(3):158-166.

  3. Long-term conditions and mental health. The King’s Fund. Available at: https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/sites/default/files/field/field_publication_file/long-term-conditions-mental-health-cost-comorbidities-naylor-feb12.pdf. [Accessed March 2022].

  4. Davis DM, Hayes JA. What Are the Benefits of Mindfulness? A Practice Review of Psychotherapy-Related Research. Psychotherapy. 2011;48:198-208.

Also in this section

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Community and support groups

Support groups connect people with pulmonary fibrosis together, to help share experiences about managing their condition
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Mindfulness is a technique that helps you accept and understand your emotions
Hands rolling a yoga mat

Yoga for pulmonary fibrosis

Yoga can help reduce stress, improve your health, and improve breathing control
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Music therapy

Playing an instrument can be an effective and enjoyable way to exercise your lungs
“Worldwide there is an increasing awareness about the disease, and there are also associations of patients, and patient advocacy groups”

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Breathing exercises

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