3 min read

Symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis

Your treatment team can help manage symptoms you may experience from pulmonary fibrosis such as breathlessness or a cough 

Doctor's torso whilst speaking

There are a variety of symptoms you may experience with pulmonary fibrosis and these can worsen if your disease progresses. Symptoms can vary from one person to another, so your symptoms may not be the same as somebody else who has pulmonary fibrosis.1,2

Possible symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis:1,2

  • Shortness of breath, especially with mild physical activity

  • A cough that doesn't get better

  • Finger clubbing (widening and rounding of the tips of fingers or toes)


Other symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis:1,2

  • Tiredness and generally feeling unwell

  • Gradual, unintended weight loss

  • Rapid, shallow breathing

Symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis can progress over time, so make sure you're monitoring your symptoms. You can track your symptom history using our simple pulmonary fibrosis symptom tracker.

Changes in your symptoms can indicate to your treatment team if your disease is worsening. Talk to your treatment team about your symptoms and tell them of any changes you notice. Be open about how you are feeling. It is important to give as much information as possible.

Resources for you



Keep a diary of your symptoms and how you feel over time. Also, make a note of any questions or concerns you may have

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Doctor speaking with patients

Receiving a diagnosis

Your doctor will perform several tests to make a diagnosis and rule out other conditions.

Key takeaways


Symptoms can worsen if the disease progresses, however, they can be partially managed through lifestyle changes and different treatments


Pulmonary fibrosis can cause a range of different symptoms, such as shortness of breath and a dry cough


Not everyone will experience the same symptoms

  1. Meltzer EB, Noble PW. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2008;3:8.

  2. British Lung Foundation. Symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis. Available at: https://www.blf.org.uk/support-for-you/pulmonary-fibrosis/symptoms/. [Accessed March 2022].

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Pulmonary fibrosis can take many years to be detected and multiple tests can be required to rule out other conditions
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Diagnosing lung conditions with pulmonary fibrosis

Patients with pulmonary fibrosis may have symptoms that are common in many diseases, meaning diagnosis can take a long time
“The typical and most frequent signs and symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis are shortness of breath and cough. And shortness of breath starts with exercise and then will increase over time”

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