2 min read

Managing your pulmonary fibrosis

Your treatment team can give you lots of support, valuable information and advice to help manage symptoms

Elderly lady using oxygen tubes whilst walking around

It’s important to remember that by working closely with your treatment team, and accepting support from loved ones, there are steps you can take to manage some of your symptoms and help you live life to the fullest.

Changes in your symptoms are an important indicator of the progression of your condition. You might find it helpful to keep a diary, tracking any changes you notice and how you feel over time. Remember to make a note of any questions or concerns you have. Going to your appointments with some questions prepared can help you get the most out of them. Knowing what is happening and why can help you feel more actively involved in your care. This can give you some peace of mind and help with practical decisions in the future.

“Join a support group, if somebody puts out a hand for help, somebody will always hold it”

At times, you may feel uncomfortable sharing things with your treatment team but try to remember that they have experience in this area and are best placed to offer advice and support

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Monitoring symptoms


Changes in your symptoms can indicate to your treatment team if your disease is worsening
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Making the most of your appointment

During appointments, it can be difficult to remember everything. Plan what to say and what questions to ask
Doctor in clinic looking in front of her

Questions to ask your doctor

Going to your appointments with some questions prepared can help you get the most out of them
Elderly couple sitting together drinking hot drink

Managing your cough

Although a persistent cough is a common symptom in pulmonary fibrosis, it can be managed

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Practical advice

You may need to make some adjustments, but you'll still be able to set and achieve goals, travel and participate in fulfilling activities
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Pulmonary fibrosis can be managed using many different treatment strategies, as well as by making some lifestyle changes
Older male at home

Wellbeing resources

Resources to help manage your physical and mental health when living with pulmonary fibrosis
Smiling man standing in a garden

Taking care of yourself

Through different strategies, you can help to manage your mental and physical wellbeing with pulmonary fibrosis