Young woman resting her arms and chin on a stack of books

Knowledge Hub

For most older adults, establishing a good working relationship with a new doctor is a challenge. If nothing else, it can take some time and everyone involving makes an effort, and has good information to work with.


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Saving A Stroke Victim Doesn’t Cost You Much. Just BE F.A.S.T Aware

Saving A Stroke Victim Doesn’t Cost You Much. Just BE F.A.S.T Aware

With improved life expectancy and an ageing population, India is fast experiencing a rise in non-communicable diseases as a cause of morbidity and death...
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Why Treatment Time From Stroke Onset Has Such A Great Impact On Survival

Why Treatment Time From Stroke Onset Has Such A Great Impact On Survival

Time is critical when dealing with almost any medical condition, but this is especially true when faced with a stroke. The importance of timely access to appropriate treatment ...
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How To Develop A Post-Stroke Home Care Plan That Works

How To Develop A Post-Stroke Home Care Plan That Works

Stroke is one of the leading health problems in the world and can cause severe health impacts and aftermaths. From paralysis to loss of control of body movements ...
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Why Taking Care Of Yourself Is So Important When Caring For A Stroke Patient

Why Taking Care Of Yourself Is So Important When Caring For A Stroke Patient

Stroke patients require constant care during rehabilitation and recovery. A stroke may lead to many physical deficiencies such as speech loss, paralysis, etc...
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What Happens During A Stroke & How To Recognize The Warning Signs?

What Happens During A Stroke & How To Recognize The Warning Signs?

Brain stroke is a serious health condition in which the blood supply to the brain is restricted which prevents the tissues from getting an adequate amount of oxygen ...
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