Old man and young woman laughing together

Caregiver's Corner

Ignoring one’s health can lead to health complications, thereby resulting in care being provided to the patient.
Self-help would be the best help.

Caregiver's Corner

‘Care’ is integrated seamlessly in healthcare. Almost every company and person in the healthcare system is a provider of ‘care’ – either directly or indirectly. In this page, we endeavor to address those providers of care that are central to almost every stage of disease management – our families, loved ones, friends or professional caregivers who are vital for improved patient outcomes. From being aware of vital details of the patient and their conditions, medications, following a routine and treatment suggested by the doctor, and enabling confidence and positivity by partner in the disease journey, the caregiver’s role is indispensable, as it is demanding.

Being With A Stroke Survivor:

For a stroke survivor, rehabilitation is prime. Every case being different, the diversity and complexity of the care proposition change considerably from person to person. A constant connection with the medical team and being aware of the condition and the progress during the course can help with enhanced recovery/rehabilitation. This can mean managing the end-to-end needs of stroke survivors.

Important contact

Important Contact

Medical Reports

Medical Reports

Reduce Risk

Reduce Risk

Track Health

Track Health







Mental Health

Mental Health

There can be conditions like physical disability, wherein the patient is completely dependent on the caregiver for the daily activities. In these cases, there needs to be an external support system depending on the condition and suggestions and prescriptions given by the doctor.

The rate of stroke recurrence at 5 years is 12 percent, with cardioembolic and hemorrhagic strokes posing a higher risk of recurrence as compared to small-vessel occlusion strokes and other ischemic causes. No matter the type of stroke, preventive measures can help to lower this risk. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32646337/

In addition to stroke specialists that will include neurologists and cardiologists, among others, rehabilitation services will also need specialists such as physiotherapists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, dietitians, clinical psychologists, and behavioural therapists. All of these medical professionals are part of a stroke rehabilitation team and you should be able to access such services by reaching out to the hospital and doctors where the patient received stroke treatment. 

The recovery period can vary greatly depending on the type and severity of stroke, as well as the quality of care provided. In the best-case scenarios, recovery can take just weeks or months, but in other cases it may take years or there may also be permanent disability and a need for lifetime support and care.

Stroke recovery varies greatly among patients, depending on various factors, such as the type and severity of stroke, speed at which appropriate treatment was administered, quality of the rehabilitation services, and adherence to the rehabilitation programme. While some patients can regain complete independence, many are also left with permanent disabilities. 

Stroke recovery can be a long and painful process, which is why caregivers play such an important role. The type of care required includes emotional support as well as medical management with a significant focus on rehabilitation to promote recovery. Typically, caregivers will also need to provide support in the management of financial and legal matters as well.

Caring for a stroke survivor can be particularly challenging for a family caregiver and the first priority is to take care of your own health so that you can better care for your patient. As a stroke alters your relationship, you will now have to prioritize the provision of physical care and emotional support for the stroke survivor. This is also followed by taking on household chores, financial responsibilities, and other tasks that your loved one handled. As managing all of these tasks can be overwhelming, seeking the help of a professional caregiver or other family members should also be a high priority.

Caring for a stroke survivor can give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment, but it is extremely demanding and can leave you overwhelmed. This makes you vulnerable to fatigue, depression, and burnout, adversely impacting both physical and mental health. This is why self-care is regarded as the first priority for a caregiver.

Coping with the mental stress of life as a caregiver requires planning and adequate self-care. This means making time for yourself, working on time management, and most importantly seeking assistance. This means getting help with caregiving from your family, friends, or professional caregivers, while also seeking help for your own needs from counsellors, psychologists, and support groups.

The foundation of self-care to promote mental and physical health involves making time for yourself. This includes time to be active and exercise, as well as time to simply relax and socialize. Always be aware of warning signs of depression and burnout and seek help at the first sign of psychological problems that can be harder to overcome if ignored.

There are a number of steps that you can take to maintain a balance between being a caregiver and also a parent. Communicate openly and honestly with your children, while being sensitive to their concerns. Make time to continue activities with your child. Make time for yourself to ensure self-care as your relationship should not be defined by the stroke. Pace yourself and seek help to avoid burnout, as stress in the non-disabled parent has a greater adverse impact on child wellbeing than the stroke itself. Involve your children and family members in care to prevent the situation from overwhelming you.
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Old man and young woman laughing together

Understanding The Stroke Recovery Timeline

Stroke recovery and rehabilitation begins from the moment a stroke victim has received medical care to survive a stroke. This process of recovery and rehabilitation is complex and slow, requiring considerable patience and a realistic outlook.
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Mid-aged woman with a yoga mat

Simple Tips To Manage Self Care As A Stroke Caregiver

Caring for yourself takes a backseat when you have to take care of a loved one who has suffered a stroke. However, this remains important as self-care is important for your physical and mental well being, also affecting your ability to provide the best possible care.