When you have COPD, even a little yard work can feel like this.

A red lawnmower on grass with a blue sky in the background

COPD doesn’t go away. Taking COMBIVENT RESPIMAT every day may help

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive condition that doesn't go away. That's why taking your medicine will always be important. COMBIVENT RESPIMAT is a medicine you take every day to help open your airways so you can breathe easier. It delivers a soft mist that eases the effort to inhale the medicine so it can get where it needs to go.

A COMBIVENT RESPIMAT inhaler standing upright on someone's hand

Be sure to refill your prescription

Breathing with COPD can be difficult. COMBIVENT RESPIMAT may help. So be sure to take your medicine as directed and refill your prescription to avoid running out.

A circle with an R and X in it, joined together

Take your medicine 4 times a day

The recommended dose for COMBIVENT RESPIMAT is 1 inhalation 4 times a day. To get the full benefit, it’s important to take it as prescribed. And COMBIVENT RESPIMAT fits in your pocket or purse, so you can keep your inhaler with you when you’re on the go.

Do not exceed 6 inhalations in 24 hours. Follow directions from your doctor.

Do not use COMBIVENT RESPIMAT more often than your doctor has directed. Deaths have been reported with similar inhaled medicines in asthma patients who use the medicine too much. Seek immediate medical attention if your treatment with COMBIVENT RESPIMAT becomes less effective for symptomatic relief, your symptoms become worse, and/or you need to use the product more frequently than usual.

A clock illustration

Keep your doctor informed

Because COPD is a progressive disease, your treatment plan will likely change over time. Talk with your doctor about your symptoms and how you’re feeling to ensure you’re staying on track with your COPD treatment.

A stethoscope illustration

It’s important to have an open and productive conversation with your doctor

Indication for Use and Important Safety Information

COMBIVENT RESPIMAT (ipratropium bromide and albuterol) is indicated for use in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) on a regular aerosol bronchodilator who continue to have evidence of bronchospasm (airway narrowing) and who require a second bronchodilator.

Important Safety Information

Do not use COMBIVENT RESPIMAT if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in COMBIVENT RESPIMAT or to atropine or other similar drugs.

COMBIVENT RESPIMAT can cause the narrowing of the airways to get worse (paradoxical bronchospasm) which may be life threatening. If this happens, stop taking COMBIVENT RESPIMAT at once and call your doctor or get emergency help.

COMBIVENT RESPIMAT can cause serious heart-related side effects, such as palpitations, chest pain, rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, tremor, or nervousness. Call your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.

Avoid spraying COMBIVENT RESPIMAT into your eyes. COMBIVENT RESPIMAT may increase eye pressure which may cause or worsen some types of glaucoma. If you have sudden vision changes, eye pain or visual halos, stop taking COMBIVENT RESPIMAT and call your doctor right away.

COMBIVENT RESPIMAT may cause difficulty with urination.

Dizziness and blurred vision may occur with COMBIVENT RESPIMAT. Should you experience these symptoms, use caution when engaging in activities such as driving a car or operating appliances or other machines.

Do not use COMBIVENT RESPIMAT more often than your doctor has directed. Deaths have been reported with similar inhaled medicines in asthma patients who use the medicine too much. Seek medical attention if your treatment with COMBIVENT RESPIMAT becomes less effective for symptomatic relief, your symptoms become worse, and/or you need to use the product more frequently than usual.

Allergic reactions may occur, including itching, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat (involving difficulty in breathing or swallowing), rash, hives, bronchospasm (airway narrowing), or anaphylaxis. Some of these may be serious. If you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking COMBIVENT RESPIMAT at once and call your doctor or get emergency help.

Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, especially if you have narrow-angle glaucoma, prostate or urinary problems, a history of heart conditions (such as irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure), thyroid disorder, or diabetes. Also tell your doctor if you are pregnant or nursing. Tell your doctor about all medicines you are taking, especially heart medications or drugs to treat depression.

The most common side effects reported with use of COMBIVENT RESPIMAT include infection of the ears, nose, and throat, runny nose, cough, bronchitis, headache, and shortness of breath.

Click here for full Prescribing Information and Patient Instructions for Use.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
