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Pulmoner rehabilitasyon

Pulmonary rehabilitation is a programme for people with ongoing lung diseases and breathing problems.


Multiple treatments are currently available to ease the symptoms and problems caused by scleroderma. Read here about available approaches.

sklerodermanın takibi

Skleroderma belirtileri zamanla değişebilir. Düzenli takibin hastalık kontrolündeki önemini keşfedin.

Randevunuzun verimli geçmesini sağlamak

On this page you can find a body map, a list of questions and a planner that you can take to your medical appointments with your scleroderma specialist team.

bireysel hedefler belirlemek

By setting new goals after systemic sclerosis diagnosis, you can help yourself gain a feeling of control and get moving toward what matters most to you.