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bireysel hedefler belirlemek

By setting new goals after systemic sclerosis diagnosis, you can help yourself gain a feeling of control and get moving toward what matters most to you.


See a quick guide on how important is to monitor your blood pressure, as well as useful information about tests and risk factors for systemic sclerosis.

skleroderma ile yaşam

All kinds of people are affected by scleroderma. Browse our site to find out more about the disease, and how we can help you manage your symptoms.

Tanınıza uyum sağlamak

We’re here to help you understand the diagnosis and deliver the facts to manage the symptoms, so you can continue doing the things that are important to you.

Tırnak kan damarı testi

Get to know how examining your small blood vessels in your fingers during nailfold capillaroscopy procedure can help with identifying systemic sclerosis.

görüntüleme ve taramalar

There are multiple ways for a doctor to look into your internal organs. Read more about how imaging method like x-ray or CT can help diagnose scleroderma.

Akciğer sağlığı testleri

Discover the differences between lung function tests (LFTs) or pulmonary function tests (PFTs), and how they help to evaluate your scleroderma progression.

kalp sağlığı testleri

Electrocardiogram and echocardiogram are two most common tests helping with scleroderma diagnosis. Read more about how your disease can affect the heart.

Kan ve idrar testleri

Most people with SSc have auto-antibodies in their blood, which can cause an inflammation. Get familiar with tests that can help to detect scleroderma.

Skleroderma belirtileri

Your scleroderma symptoms and how they may change in the future are unique to you. Learn about which organs and body parts can be affected by the SSc.