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Blood and urine tests 

Many things that your body uses or produces are carried around in your blood, or are passed out in your urine. This section explains why blood and urine tests are used in scleroderma, and what the results can show.

3 min read

Looking at: 

  • Levels of different chemicals, proteins, cells and so on in your body.

  • Signs that your body’s immune system is active (inflammation, antibodies or auto-antibodies).

  • Signs that some organs in your body aren’t working as well as they should.



What to expect:

Needles and blood tests go hand in hand, so if you have a strong dislike of needles or blood, tell the person taking the sample so they can minimise any stress for you. For a urine test, you will usually have to collect your urine in a small plastic container. You may be asked to skip breakfast, (this is called a ‘fasting’ test), to avoid certain foods or not take your usual medication beforehand.


Understanding your results:

Blood and urine tests are commonly used to assess what’s happening in your body and to see if your organs are working properly. Your doctor will pay particular attention to any auto-antibodies.


Antibodies and auto-antibodies

‘Antibodies’ are little proteins that form a key part of your body’s natural defences against bacteria and viruses. They search for and attach themselves to these invaders, helping your immune system find and get rid of them. ‘Auto-antibodies’ are antibodies that target your body’s own cells, instead of invaders. Often, people with scleroderma have auto-antibodies in their blood. This can be a cause of inflammation.

Did you know?

The most common auto-antibodies in people with scleroderma are:

  • Anti-topoisomerase I (anti-Scl-70)
  • Anti-centromere (ACA)
  • Anti-RNA polymerase III

These are known as anti-nuclear antibodies (ANAs). They help with diagnosis and may also help predict certain complications.1-5

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Testing for scleroderma

Learn about some of the more commonly used tests that your doctor might use to diagnose or monitor scleroderma.
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Monitoring scleroderma

Symptoms of scleroderma may change over time. Learn how regular monitoring can help keep the disease in check.

  1. Van den Hoogen F, et al. Classification criteria for systemic sclerosis. Arthritis Rheum 2013;65(11):2737–47

  2. Allanore Y, et al. Systemic sclerosis. Nat Rev Dis Primers 2015;1:1–21 

  3. Jaeger V, et al. Incidences and risk factors of organ manifestations in the early course of systemic sclerosis: a longitudinal EUSTAR study. PLoS One 2016;11(10):e0163894.

  4. Nihtyanova S, et al. Prediction of pulmonary complications and long-term survival in systemic sclerosis. Arthritis Rheum 2014;66(6):1625–35.

  5. McNearney T, et al. Pulmonary involvement in systemic sclerosis: Associations with genetic, serologic, sociodemographic, and behavioural factors. Arthritis Rheum 2007;57(2):318–26.


"Try and get as much information as you can from your doctor. He or she is the expert. Take notes and don't be afraid to ask."

– Mike