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Patient and caregiver stories 

Real Stories

You are not alone. In this collection of stories, real patients and carers share their experiences with scleroderma.

Patient stories

Hearing how other people have managed can be a source of reassurance and relief—it can feel good to know you’re not the only one feeling this way. Their experiences, their triumphs and even their mistakes can help you find your own way forward.


Staying positive can be difficult, but Mandy uses craft and creativity to continue to stay optimistic.



"I've embraced all the different things that you can get to help you."


It’s easy to be fearful in the face of disease, but Mike and his wife, Alison, are an inspiring example of how you can lean on each other.


More stories


Doris' story

No one expects to develop scleroderma. Doris focuses on the importance of concentrating on the present, instead of the unknown.

Doris' story

Jessica's story

Scleroderma did not stop Jessica from achieving her goals. She pursued her dreams regardless of the diagnosis.

Jessica's story

Alex's story

Symptoms of scleroderma can feel frustrating and unfair. Alex talks about how she overcame this and now looks for joy in everyday life.

Alex's story

Maria's story

A positive mindset can help you overcome some obstacles of scleroderma. Maria talks about the importance of changing your outlook.

Maria's story

Lorraine's story

Symptoms effect everyone differently. Lorraine is able to live an active lifestyle and has continued teaching exercise classes, despite her diagnosis.

Lorraine's story

Anna's story

Anna talks about how she has adapted her life to continue to be able to do the things she loves, despite her symptoms.

Anna's story

Grazia's story

Scleroderma can feel like the most important issue in your life. Here, Grazia explains how she overcame her fear to concentrate on her family.

Grazia's story

Rute's story

Having a safe space can help with the stress of managing scleroderma. Rute discusses her love for the beach and the calm that it brings.

Rute's story

Monica's story

Scleroderma may mean you can no longer do some of the things you enjoy. Monica describes how she's learnt to love new things.

Monica's story

Teresa's story

Despite her diagnosis, Teresa continues to travel and share new experiences with the people she cares about.

Teresa's story

Joep's story

Joep looks for solutions in life. Using 3D printing, he creates tools that lessen the impact of scleroderma on his everyday life.

Joep's story

Danièle’s story

Danièle has lived with scleroderma for 22 years. She continues to find happiness in simple everyday pleasures and the company of friends.

Danièle’s story

Michael's story

Michael relocated with his wife and dogs following his diagnosis. He explains how living in the moment has helped him to find happiness.

Michael's story

Loved ones' stories

Below, loved ones share their advice on how they offer practical and emotional support.


“Caring for a parent can be difficult at any age. Alessandro discusses his mother’s strength in the face of this rare disease.”



"She's a loving friend and wife. She fills me with warmth every time I see her, she's the love of my life."

More stories


Eszter’s story

Eszter doesn’t let scleroderma affect the way she sees her sister Anna, instead her enthusiasm inspires her.

Eszter’s story

Sabine’s story

When a loved one has scleroderma, your own wellbeing can feel less important. Sabine reveals the steps she takes to look after herself.

Sabine’s story

Rui’s story

Rui believes that his wife’s diagnosis has made their relationship stronger and discusses the part he plays in keeping their lives positive.

Rui’s story

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Evidence suggests that mindfulness can reduce stress. If you are feeling anxious, try practicing mindfulness in your daily life.
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Expressing yourself

Your emotions are part of you. It's important they are taken care of. If you find expressing your emotions difficult, try a more creative approach.
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It's not always easy accepting that you need help, but you don't need to do it all alone.