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Lorraine's story

Despite of multiple scleroderma manifestations, Loraine is still teaching the exercise classes and encourage others to stay engaged.

Joep's story

Meet Joep - a designer of a blister-opener, enthusiast of the innovative 3D printers and focused on solutions scleroderma patient.

Danièle’s story

Check how Danièle is focusing on presence, trying to be positive and enjoying the small pleasures like meals with her friends and family.

Living with lung problems

Living with lung problems can have an impact on your life, but there are ways to manage your symptoms and reduce their impact on your daily activities.

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

Patients with a chronic health condition like scleroderma are considered to be at higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19. Read more in the FAQ section.

Joint and muscle symptoms

Systemic sclerosis can affect muscles, joints and bones. While symptoms vary from one person to another, these simple and universal exercises may help you.

Hand symptoms

Living with SSc can come with challenges, including hand symptoms. Get familiar with the tips that might help you find ways to get on with your daily life.

Skin symptoms

Skin symptoms are a big part of scleroderma and can affect the way you look or feel about yourself. Learn what others have found to relieve their symptoms.