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Diet and exercise

Are you a caregiver? Then you probably have the same concerns when it comes to your physical health and how to take care of it.

Caregiver support

I am supporting somebody living with scleroderma. What can I do? Read about your role as a systemic sclerosis caregiver.

Focusing on you

When you’re the caregiver for someone with a chronic disease such as scleroderma, you must learn to focus on you. Read some tips of how to do it.


What can be done to reduce caregiver's anxiety? Read more to understand the changes that can be made to minimize how much stress you experience.


For every caregiver: there is support out there for people with scleroderma, their families and friends. More Than Scleroderma can help you find it.

Emotional wellbeing

This page provides you a chance to get away, recharge and learn how to meet your needs while managing the needs of your loved ones, affected by scleroderma.