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Rute's story

If you have a scleroderma diagnosis - you are not alone. In this collection of stories, real patients and carers share their experiences with scleroderma.

Sabine’s story

Get familiar with Sabine's story, who was courageous enough to speak about caregiver's burnout and how seeking for help improved hers and Michael's life.

Rui’s story

Check how Rui speaks about supporting his resilient wife, Rute and how the positive attitude towards the disease brought them even closer together.

Mike's story

Follow the story of Michael, who emphasises the role of his family support and how giving up on the old passions made a space for the new things.

Michael's story

Listen how Michael's move to Mallorca and quality time spent with his wife and dogs is now considered by him as a new beginning.

Grazia's story

Listen to a brave story of Grazia, who managed to maintain a normal life with a husband, two sons and active systemic sclerosis.

Doris' story

Even if the diagnosis came to Doris unexpectedly, with support of her daughter she still remains active, working and loves to travel.

Alessandro’s story

Read and watch the story of a caregiver Alessandro, who supports on a daily basis his diagnosed with scleroderma mother.


Living with a chronic illness such as scleroderma can be isolating, scary, and very difficult. Read about how to ask for help and get emotional support.

Setting personal goals

By setting new goals after systemic sclerosis diagnosis, you can help yourself gain a feeling of control and get moving toward what matters most to you.