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While there is currently no cure for the disease itself, there are several therapies under investigation that aim to alter how it progresses.1,2

1 min read

A range of treatments is available to manage the symptoms and problems caused by scleroderma.1,2 These should lessen the effect the disease has on you.

Your doctor will help you find the treatments that work for you. It is important to tell them exactly what you need to help them find the best one. It is also important to monitor for yourself how well you think the treatment is working.



If you’re unhappy with your medications or they make you feel unwell, tell your doctor or nurse immediately. They will work with you to make sure you’re happy with what you’re taking.


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  1. Denton C and Khanna D. Systemic sclerosis. The Lancet; 2017 (In Press). Available: [Accessed December 2021].

  2. Allanore Y, et al. Systemic sclerosis. Nat Rev Dis Primers 2015;1:1–21.


"I feel more confident in knowing what the treatments are, where things are going with scleroderma." 

– Mandy