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Patient organisations and
support groups

You are not alone in the world of scleroderma. Information, support and advice are available from a number of organisations around the world. Find your support organisation below.

2 min read

If you cannot find your national support group below, you can always speak with your doctor or reach out to your community. 

European patient organisations and support groups:

American and Canadian patient organisations and support groups:

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Find out more

Adjusting to your diagnosis

Having a diagnosis of scleroderma can feel overwhelming. Here you can find advice on coping with your diagnosis.
Learn more

Monitoring scleroderma

Symptoms of scleroderma may change over time. Learn how regular monitoring can help keep the disease in check.

"If you've just been diagnosed with scleroderma, I would say just take one day at a time. Don't worry. There's loads of support around." 

– Mandy