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Monitoring scleroderma

Regular monitoring of scleroderma can help you keep on top of your condition. Here you can learn about why every check-up is important.

2 min read 

Your symptoms of scleroderma may change over time, so regular monitoring with the doctor is important.1

The type of specialist you see, and how often you see them, will depend on your symptoms and how your care is managed. People recently diagnosed with scleroderma will have check-ups every 3 to 6 months. These may then become less frequent if your doctor considers your symptoms to be under control and unlikely to change dramatically.

It is important to spot any changes in symptoms early as this can help predict the course of scleroderma.1 It’s important that you understand what’s normal for you, and let your doctors know when things change. They can then help you manage your symptoms.

Serious skin problems, as well as kidney, heart and lung symptoms, will need particular attention. Your doctor may ask you to get lung and heart function tests at least once per year.2 You should expect blood tests to check your blood count, how much inflammation you have and your liver and kidney function.




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Patient organisations and support groups

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  1. Nihtyanova S, et al. Prediction of pulmonary complications and long-term survival in systemic sclerosis. Arthritis Rheum 2014;66(6):1625–35.

  2. BMJ Best Practice. Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma): monitoring. Available: [Accessed December 2021].


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– Jessica