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Hand symptoms 

There are a variety of practical things you can do to help manage the effects of scleroderma on your hands. Read our top tips below.

2 min read

  • Wear gloves or carry handwarmers.1 With Raynaud's phenomenon, keeping your hands warm is important.

  • Try to give up smoking. Nicotine constricts the small blood vessels and makes Raynaud's phenomenon worse.2

  • Wear several layers of loose clothing rather than one thick layer. This can help prevent rubbing if you have chillblains.3

  • Keep your fingers supple with exercises. Your doctor or nurse may show you some to do or advise you to see a physiotherapist.3

  • Always see your doctor if you get an ulcer or open sore on your fingers, to make sure it doesn't get infected.


Contact your doctor

Your doctor/nurse can offer other ways to manage your hand symptoms

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Adjusting to your diagnosis

Having a diagnosis of scleroderma can feel overwhelming. Here you can find advice on coping with your diagnosis.
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Monitoring scleroderma

Symptoms of scleroderma may change over time. Learn how regular monitoring can help keep the disease in check.

  1. Scleroderma & Raynaud’s UK. Treatments. Available: [Accessed December 2021].

  2. Scleroderma & Raynaud’s UK. What is Raynaud’s. Available: [Accessed December 2021].

  3. Scleroderma & Raynaud’s UK. Hands and feet. Available: [Accessed December 2021].


"First of all, don't panic. Everyone is different. I have not met one patient who has the same symptoms." 

– Maria