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Lung tests

Your doctors will regularly test your lungs, whether to identify any early signs of problems or track how things are progressing. Learn what you can expect.1,2  

1 min read

What can you do?

There are things you can do yourself to look out for the signs of lung problems.

Symptoms to look out for include shortness of breath or feeling tired—especially on exertion or exercise, blackouts, and a very fast heartbeat.3If you have any of these symptoms, tell your doctor. The sooner they know, the more they can help you.


What can your doctor do?

Your doctor may ask you to get your lung and heart function tested at least once per year.4

One way your doctor will monitor your lung health is by listening to your lungs. Other tests to check your lung health will use equipment that you may not be familiar with, such as spirometers. These help your doctor measure how well your lungs are working and usually involve you blowing into a tube or a device.

These tests can have long and complex names and it can make them sound a bit frightening or painful, but most of these tests are very simple. Your doctor will help to prepare you and can explain everything before you start. If you’re unsure, write down questions to ask your doctor at your next appointment.

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  1. University of Michigan. Scleroderma Program - Lung involvement. Available: [Accessed December 2021].

  2. Self-Manage Scleroderma | Lesson. Lung Involvement. Available: [Accessed December 2021].

  3. Scleroderma & Raynaud’s UK. Organs. Available: [Accessed December 2021].

  4. BMJ Best Practice. Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma): monitoring. Available: [Accessed December 2021].


"They discovered I had quite severe fibrosis of my lungs. I was referred to a specialist hospital and things have improved with treatment, which is good." 

– Mandy