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Setting personal goals 

While scleroderma might sometimes limit the things you can do, it doesn’t have to rule your life. Setting goals can help you make changes that will mean you can still do what is important to you.

3 min read

Try not to say you want to do something and then forget about it. What exactly is it you want and how are you going to get there? It's worth spending a little time to give your goals some thoughts.

SMART goal setting can give structure and direction to your plans and focus your efforts.

When setting goals, take the SMART approach


is for specific: Be clear about what you want to achieve.


is for measurable: How will you know when you’ve been successful?


is for achievable: You want a challenge, but nothing too difficult.


is for realistic: Don’t pick something impossible.


is for timely: Make new goals frequently. i.e. weekly or monthly.



SMART goals could be things you need or want to do in your day-to-day life, or a specific event in the future, like a social event or a holiday.

Break down big tasks

You can break big tasks into several more manageable ones to make it easier to achieve the things you want.

Drawing up progress charts can help you plan your steps towards each goal and track your success. You could also take some progress charts to your next appointment and ask your doctor or nurse to help you. 

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"Have achievable goals and just enjoy your life. Sometimes the simplest things in life are the best things." 

– Mike