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Eszter's story

In this short film, Eszter explains how her sister Anna’s diagnosis of scleroderma helped to bring their loving and supportive family even closer together. She shares her admiration for Anna’s enthusiasm, sense of humour and determination to continue doing the things she loves.



"I don't see her through the disease. She is my sister like she was before the disease."

– Eszter


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When Juan's wife, Monica, was first diagnosed with scleroderma, it consumed their lives. Juan explains how together they have found balance.

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Rui’s story

Rui believes that his wife’s diagnosis has made their relationship stronger and discusses the part he plays in keeping their lives positive.

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Caring for a parent can be difficult at any age. Alessandro discusses his mother’s strength in the face of this rare disease.

Alessandro’s story

Sabine’s story

When a loved one has scleroderma, your own wellbeing can feel less important. Sabine reveals the steps she takes to look after herself.

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Providing care can be rewarding, but also challenging. Find out how to look after yourself and those you care for.
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Caregiver support

There are many different types of help for people affected by scleroderma and their caregivers. Find a support network that works for you.