3 min read

Community and support groups

Support groups connect people with pulmonary fibrosis together

Woman smiling in a cafe

Following a diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis, many people can feel isolated. However, it is important to remember that you are not alone, and there are many other people who have shared similar experiences to you. These people often come together at support groups. Patient support groups are a valuable resource to help you through your journey.

Participating in a patient support group offers you an opportunity to get together and connect with others who are facing similar experiences. Patient support groups can help you to better manage your physical and mental health and the everyday challenges of living with pulmonary fibrosis. If you are feeling isolated, support groups can help you to feel comfort and understand that you are not alone.

Online resources

As well as patient support groups that you can attend, there are also online groups where you can connect with other patients like you. Patient organisations support people with pulmonary fibrosis by having online groups where patients can connect with others who face similar challenges and also obtain information about living with the condition.

How can I find local and online patient support groups?

Your treatment team may be able to direct you to patient support groups in your area. Searching the internet can also provide you with information on online patient organisations and the support they provide.

Discover more
Older couple outside, smiling together

Your mental wellbeing

Looking after your mental wellbeing is just as important as looking after your physical wellbeing.

Key takeaways

Bullet Point

Community and support groups can be helpful to connect you to other people living with pulmonary fibrosis

Bullet Point

Going to a patient support group can help you to learn from others with similar experiences

Bullet Point

Speak to your treatment team about patient support groups online and in your area

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Yoga can help reduce stress, improve your health, and improve breathing control
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“Worldwide there is an increasing awareness about the disease, and there are also associations of patients, and patient advocacy groups”

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Taking care of yourself

Through different strategies, you can help to manage your mental and physical wellbeing with pulmonary fibrosis