2 min read

Balancing your life as a carer

When caring for someone it is natural to feel overwhelmed at times. It is important to find the balance in your life as a carer

Middle aged man reading with glasses

Caring for a loved one is challenging and can be both mentally and physically exhausting.1 Recognise your own needs and make an effort to meet those too.

Try to take a step back, understand your limitations and not focus on the things you cannot change. To offer your loved one the support you’d like to, it is important for you to take time out for yourself.

Remember what makes you happy

It’s important to remember your life before you became a carer, the things that made you happy, and were important for your own wellbeing.

Being a carer might mean you feel guilty about spending time with those aside from your loved one but do try to prioritise some time for other relationships. Simply going for a coffee with a friend can help take your mind off your role as a carer.

Take care of your body and try to incorporate some exercise into your daily routine. These don’t have to be time consuming and can be as simple as taking a walk or even doing some gentle stretches throughout the day.

key fact quick tip


Think about what activities help you unwind and build time in for this, at least once a week, to make sure you’re looking after your own wellbeing too

“Keep smiling, keep positive and make the most of what you can do”

  1. Belkin A, Albright K, Swigris JJ, et al. A qualitative study of informal caregivers’ perspectives on the effects of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. BMJ Open Respir Res. 2014;1(1): e000007.

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