Why A Stroke Support Network Is So Important To Recovery

Stroke recovery can be overwhelming as there is more than just physical recovery that is needed. There are several psychological and social components that often go unattended, which can lead to behavioural problems and other concerns. Being associated with a support network and interacting with other stroke survivors can help address these issues and benefit the recovery process. In this article, we shall see how support groups can benefit stroke survivors and caregivers, and how you can be a part of one.

Members of support group sitting together


Boosts Self-Esteem
Studies have shown that being a part of social support groups and peer networks can boost a survivor’s self-esteem. Interacting with peers is found to be functional and highly beneficial for overall recovery [1].

Helps Increase Stroke Knowledge
Be it a stroke survivor or caregiver, attending stroke peer groups can help increase knowledge about the condition. Interacting with other survivors can unravel different methods of caregiving and dealing with the aftermath of a stroke attack [1].

Exposes Survivors To A Community
Shared experiences cultivate a sense of community and make them feel belonged. A life-threatening condition like a stroke can impact the social perception and performance of a survivor. Being a part of a group with people who have survived a similar incident ignites a sense of belonging and makes them feel accepted. This helps stroke survivors regain their confidence and social skills [1].

Helps Cope With Negative Thoughts
Being able to talk to people who have had a similar experience can be helpful. Talking to other stroke survivors can help cope with negative thoughts and mental health issues like anxiety, depression and other psychological concerns [2].

Helps Make Useful Connections
At a support group, you will meet people from different walks of life who can contribute to your life in different ways. This helps you make many useful connections and contacts.

Giving Support Boosts Sense Of Achievement
Many stroke survivors consider themselves to be a liability to their families as most suffer from physical disabilities. However, being a part of a social group and helping others and making a difference in someone else’s life can help them feel a sense of personal growth. The aftermath of a brain stroke can be difficult to deal with. The additional stress and lack of confidence in themselves can make stroke recovery difficult. Being associated with a stroke support group and interacting with other survivors can help speed up the recovery. It can also help boost their confidence and make social interaction less overwhelming. In addition to this, you can also make some meaningful connections and useful contacts at a support group.

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